5 Secrets To Improving Your Credit Score So You Can Always Get Approved
There's no way around it (sorry Dave Ramsey)....
In order to move toward financial freedom, most of us need and or want a high credit score.
Dave calls a good credit score the "I love debt score" and says that we shouldn't to use credit cards at all.
While I agree with him to a certain extent (I talk more about it in this article), not having a good credit score can be crippling financially when it comes to buying a house or a car because the interest rates are so much higher.
And let's be real, as much as I love the idea of never using credit for anything, even a car or a house, realistically, most of us aren't really going to live that way.
If you are someone who doesn't adhere to the idea of using credit for every little thing, then I commend you. I'm right there with you.
But if you've are someone who has been living off of credit cards (been there done that) and ruining your credit but now realize the error of your ways and you want to cut the plastic usage to a reasonable and less frequent amount, then stick around because I want to just briefly discuss an important aspect of improving your credit score.
You see half the battle is knowing how credit reporting agencies calculate your credit scores in the first place.