30 Journaling Prompts For Self-Reflection To Help You Make Wiser Decisions!

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30 Reflection Journaling Prompts To Help You Make Better Decisions

Dear friend,

If you’re reading this, it’s safe to assume that you are going through a tough time. Maybe you’re feeling lost, scared, or confused about life, and you just feel like you’re not sure who you are anymore. Or perhaps you’re uncertain about what to do next or how to move forward.

That’s okay – we all go through tough times at some point in our lives.

Consider me as a friend who is willing to help you get through this uncomfortable place you’ve found yourself. There’s no need to judge or beat yourself up anymore; I’ve got you! More importantly, God’s got your back.

Here, I will be sharing some journaling prompts to help you reflect on your situation and give you some ideas on the path you should take from here on out!

– What Is A Reflection Journal?

A reflection journal is simply a place for you to write down your thoughts and feelings about a particular situation or event.

It can help to think of a reflection journal like a conversation with yourself. You can use it to ask yourself questions, work through your thoughts and feelings, and figure out what you want to do next.

There is really no proper or wrong approach to using a reflection journal. Some people like to write in it every day, while others only write in it when they feel stuck or need some help making a decision.

There are no rules about how long or short your entries should be, either- The important thing is that you are writing for yourself and that you feel comfortable processing your thoughts and feelings.


– What Are The Benefits Of Using A Reflection Journal?

If you’re feeling lost, confused, or just need some clarity in your life, writing a reflective journal can work you through these thoughts and feelings.

Not sure how else a reflective journal can improve your life?

Keep reading for ten reasons why you should write a reflective journal, plus tips on getting started.

1. A self reflection journal can help you process your thoughts and feelings.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or just generally confused, writing in a reflective journal can help you make sense of how you feel and better understand the impact that they have had on your life.

It can be a very safe space to explore your emotions and sort through your thoughts without judgment.

Reflective journaling can also help you better understand yourself and your motivations. In addition, it can be a way to process your experiences, both good and bad. It can be helpful to write about your day-to-day life and any significant life events that have occurred.


2. A reflective journal can help you set goals and track your progress.

If you’re working towards a goal, whether it’s big or small, writing about your progress in a reflective journal can help you develop a plan for achieving them, stay on track, and be motivated.

Every time you settle down to write, you can reflect on how far you’ve come and what more is needed to reach your goal.

This process can help you break down your goals into manageable steps, i.e., develop a roadmap for getting there and give you a sense of accomplishment as you check each one off your list.

Finally, using your reflective journal as a tracking tool can help you see how far you’ve come, stay focused, and give you the motivation to keep going.


3. A reflective journal can help you work through tough times.

Suppose you’re going through a challenging time, whether a difficult life event or just a rough patch. Writing in a reflective journal helps you process your emotions and work through your challenges.

It can be a space to vent your frustrations, explore your feelings, and find ways to cope with whatever you’re going through.


4. A reflective journal can help you solve problems.

Identifying the natural source of your problems is often half the battle won. If you’re struggling to solve a problem, whether it’s personal or professional, writing about it in a reflective journal can help you find a solution.

Brainstorming your options in a safe and private space can help you develop creative solutions that you might not have thought of otherwise.

Once you know what’s really bothering you, finding a solution is much easier.


5. A reflective journal can help you make decisions.

If you’re struggling to make decisions, whether it’s big or small, a reflective journal can help you weigh your options and choose. It can also help you see patterns in your decision-making process so that you can learn from your mistakes and make quality choices in the future.

Finally, writing about your thoughts and feelings surrounding the decision can help you see things from different perspectives and choose the best option for you.


6. A reflective journal can help you find your purpose.

If you’re in search of your purpose in life, writing in a reflection journal can help you find clarity and direction. Its one of the fastest ways to boost your mental health!

Exploring your thoughts and feelings can guide you to figure out what matters most to you and what you want to achieve in life.


7. Identifying Your Values and Priorities

Reflective journaling can also be a valuable tool for identifying your values and priorities. When you’re facing a tough decision, it can be helpful to write about what’s important to you and what you hope to achieve.

This process can help you clarify your thoughts and decide what is true to your values.


8. Gaining Clarity and Perspective

Writing in a journal of self reflection can also help you gain clarity and perspective on a situation. It can be easy to get caught up in the details of what’s happening and lose sight of the big picture.

Writing about your experiences can help you step back and see the situation more clearly.


9. To Help You Reduce Stress

Writing about your worries and concerns can help you let go of them and reduce stress. When you get your thoughts and feelings out of your head and onto paper, they often seem less daunting and more manageable.

That’s because you get to see what you think in black and white (or whatever color of pen you choose). Sometimes a thought makes sense in our head but then when we write it down we see it for the irrational thought that it is. 

This form of writing can also help you identify and address the root causes of your stress so that you can find more effective ways to deal with it.


10. Working Through Difficult Emotions

Writing can be therapeutic. It can help you make sense of the roller coaster of emotions that you may be feeling. If you’re feeling lost, scared, or hopeless, writing can help you express those feelings and begin to work through them.


woman on bed writing in journal teal letters writing prompts for self reflection

– Reflection Journaling Prompts

Ready to get started? Check out these 30 reflection writing prompts that have helped me get through difficult times and make the right choices.

  1. How do you feel at the moment?
  2. What is the main goal that you have for yourself?
  3. What mistakes have you learned from in the past? What did you learn?
  4. Where is the place that you feel most comfortable?
  5. Who is your role model, and why?
  6. What do you think makes you unique?
  7. Who do you need to forgive?
  8. What are three things you’re grateful for?
  9. What is likely to happen if you showed yourself compassion today?
  10. How can you practice self-love today?
  11. How do you define success for yourself?
  12. How much time do you devote to living in the past or future?
  13. Who do you turn to for wisdom and advice? Why? Would you like to emulate them?
  14. Do any of your current beliefs no longer serve you?
  15. What is something new that you’d like to try?
  16. Who brings out the best in you? What qualities do you admire that make them so unique to you?
  17. Think about a time when things didn’t go the way you wanted them to. What lesson did you learn from it?
  18. Are there any unhealthy patterns you’d like to change in your life?
  19. Do you need to let go of any toxic relationships?
  20. What can you do to reduce stress in your life?
  21. What is your definition of joy?
  22. Do you have any bad habits that you’d like to break?
  23. What steps can you take to reach your goals?
  24. What can you do today to improve tomorrow?
  25. What are key things you can do to make your life more meaningful?
  26. What changes do you need to make to live a healthier lifestyle?
  27. What can you do to simplify your life?
  28. How can you show more kindness to others?
  29. How can you show more compassion to yourself?
  30. Are you living someone else’s version of what they believe is the right way to live?

– Conclusion To Writing Prompts For Self Reflection

These journaling prompts are a great starting point- feel free to add your own or adapt them to suit your needs better.

The essential thing is that you take the time to reflect on what is going on in your life and what you can do to make the changes you want to see.

Believe me; you have the power to create the life you want to live. Like you, I’ve been in situations where I had to make tough and uneasy decisions. I often felt I didn’t even have the strength and courage to persevere.

Having a reflective journal became my therapy and most authentic form of self-care.

Friends, use these prompts as a tool to help you get started on this new journey. Let them guide you to make the best decisions, everytime!

If Journaling Prompts For Self-Reflection has helped you, please share it on social media!



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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