3 Credit Card Debt Tips That Put You On The Road To Financial Freedom!

woman using credit card debt tips

Credit Card Debt Tips

If we want to reach financial freedom, we have to talk about debt and specifically credit card debt  (and some tips to get out of it) which is one of the forms of debt that is strangling American’s the most.

Debt was such a dark cloud over my life.

The burden of debt being lifted off of my shoulders is a feeling I can’t truly describe except to say it felt like freedom.

I imagine it’s the same feeling you get when you retire. It’s an incredible experience.

But getting out of debt isn’t easy or fun because if it was everybody would be doing it.

So how do you get there?Continue reading

Meal Prep Tips For Weight Loss Beginners: 7 Lazy Girl Hacks For Weight Loss Success! 

meal prepped in bento box

Meal Prep Hacks For Weight Loss Beginners

meal prep weight loss easy

Do you need some super easy meal prep ideas to help you lose weight?

Do you wish you had a personal chef to plan and prep all your meals for you?

Then you could just sit down and eat and not even think about it, right?

Because I feel like I’m in the kitchen all the time and if I’m not there then I’m thinking of how I’ll need to be in there soon.

So a personal chef sounds like the perfect solution.

There’s only one problem…Continue reading

5 Lazy Girl Healthy Meal Planning Ideas For Weight Loss Beginners!

meal plan journal for weight loss

5 Lazy Girl Meal Planning Ideas For Weight Loss

It’s a vicious cycle.

I’ll tell myself that I need to actually follow the meal planning ideas I read about because I know it helps with weight loss (don’t even get me started on meal prep…but I have a post coming up on that too so stay tuned).

I’ll comb through the grocery ads for that week, looking for sales because, you know, I’m going to plan my meals based on what’s on sale (ha ha ha).

I’ll go to the store, with a list but for some reason, it’s filled with items that do not form any sort of cohesive dish.

I will leave the store and go home only to remember, I never made a meal plan and therefore, didn’t buy any groceries that could make a meal that seemed “planned”.Continue reading

How To Challenge Yourself To Workout & Get Stronger Legs At Home

woman stretching her legs working out

How To Challenge Yourself To Workout & Get Stronger Leg At Home

For me, besides writing, traveling is life.

Well okay, it’s not quite that serious but it’s pretty major. My heart pounds at the mere thought of hopping on a plane that’s bound for a far off land and exploring a new culture and meeting new people.

For me, it’s Jesus, family, writing with traveling following closely behind.

The wanderlust is strong with this one.

However, there are ummm, how do we say, obstacles that get in the way of me traveling as much as I need to (and I do mean need):

1. Money
2. Money
3. Being out of shape

Now, I know you can travel if you’re out of shape.

But when I went to London over 10 years ago, we did a whole lot of walking.

And when I say a whole lot, I mean in the sedentary kind of way.

No, we weren’t walking 15 miles a day but we were doing 8,000 to 10,000 steps a day.

When you’re out of shape, that’s a whole lot of steps.Continue reading

How To Set SMART Goals For Procrastination Using Your Journal!

purple overlay, woman writing in journal

How To Set SMART Goals For Procrastination

Hey, ya’ll. I’m excited to share some potentially life-changing advice on how you can set SMART goals for procrastination!

I truly believe that this post could really change how you think about procrastination and goal setting.

This is part 2 of my 15 Positive Journal Affirmations To Stop Procrastinating & Pursue Your God-Given Dreams blog post series.

I split it up only because there’s so much information here that it might overwhelm you if you tried to read it all in one sitting.

If you haven’t read part 1 of this procrastination series, please click here and do so because part 2 probably won’t make much sense without you reading the beginning.

Know what I mean, Verne?

In the first post, I explained 2 steps to overcoming procrastination. Those steps were really long and needed their own post! Now I will explain 5 more steps you can take in your war against procrastination. This will include tips about setting goals that are SMART and how to use a journal throughout the process. 

Let’s pick things back up with our next step for setting SMART goals for procrastination.Continue reading

5 Unique Ways To Increase Your Energy Levels In The Morning Without Coffee

how to get more energy in the morning without coffee

How To Increase Your Energy Levels In The Morning Without Caffeine

You already know there’s a better way.

You just don’t know how to find that way.

How do you increase your energy in the morning without resorting to sugar-laden coffee?

Because this hitting the snooze on the alarm every morning, dragging out of bed, and reaching for coffee as soon as you can stumble your way into the kitchen is not the abundant life that Jesus was talking about in John 10:10.

Let’s face it.

Many of us are worn out.

Some of us have been this way for so long that we think it’s normal.

Some of us are so unacquainted with energy, we wouldn’t recognize it if it walked up to us and introduced itself (Hi, I’m energy nice to meet you).

It would be awesome if energy would just walk up to us and inject itself into us but instead energy is more like:

nene leakes okay girl bye meme what energy says in the morning

So how do we keep energy from waving goodbye and leaving us so quickly (because if we are going to start pursuing the life that God wants us to live then having energy should be at the top of the list)?

I’ve discovered 5 ways to increase our energy levels naturally that have nothing to do with downing coffee all day (even though I love me some coffee). 

They don’t even add any calories to our diet (well, one or two might but at least they are healthy calories).

However, before we just get to these 5 secrets to increasing your energy levels, let’s do a brief preview of the best natural energy boosters, and then let’s talk about the spiritual consequences of being chronically fatigued. Continue reading

15 Positive Affirmations To Stop Procrastinating & Pursue Your God-Given Dreams!

white desk, white pen, white journal blue overlay that talks about journaling prompts for procrastination

Positive Affirmations To Stop Procrastinating & Pursue Your God-Given Dreams

Today we are going to talk about affirmations to stop procrastinating (and so much more)! Why?

Because you know the Lord is calling you to do something different with your life. Not just like buying a new Bible or praying a little bit longer or trying that new Sunday school class.

No, He wants you to do something big. Radical. Scary (yikes). And he’s been wanting you to do it for a while now…like maybe even years.

And you keep saying to yourself that one day you’ll actually do it…

But you’re too scared to jump out there in faith and start whatever it is that he’s been wanting you to do.

So you procrastinate because your anxiety is off the charts.

You let everything including the kitchen sink (hey the dishes have to get done, amirite?) get in the way of following God’s plan for your life (ask me how I know). 

So today I hope to give you some encouragement! If you have a God-given dream and you can’t stop putting it off, then I think the two articles in this series will help you.

I’m going to share with you some actionable tips & positive affirmations to help you overcome procrastination and how to use them in your journal so you can finally make your God-given dreams a reality!Continue reading

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