Why I Don’t Feel Guilty If I Gain Weight & 3 Things I Do Instead!

Why I Don't Feel Guilty When I Gain Weight & 3 Things I Do Instead! in white letters and pink background

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Why I don’t feel guilty when I gain weight & what I do instead

Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit which is probably why the enemy is constantly attacking it.

Losing weight can sometimes feel like you’re getting out of quicksand.

The harder you fight to pull yourself out of the pit the further down you sink.

I sometimes find that I’m in this constant cycle of eating healthy then falling off the wagon and then eating healthy again and then falling off the wagon and then…well, you get the picture.

It’s like this constant battle that seems impossible to overcome me at times.

Then you have to deal with the guilt that comes along with failing over and over again or feeling like a failure.  

But this guilt it’s counterproductive.

We might think that guilt is noble but usually, it produces feelings of shame because we want to continue to wallow in that same behavior that brought the shame and guilt in the first place.

Have you ever said things like I’ve already eaten so much already so I might as well just keep eating?

Or I’ve been eating so poorly today that there’s no point in working out.

Or I already had a terrible meal and I cheated on my diet so the whole day is ruined and I will just keep eating poorly.

See how that works?

You feel guilty and then you just decide to give in to the guilt because you already did the “wrong” thing and you don’t believe that you can get forgiveness for what you’ve done so why even try.

So in today’s post, I’m going to give you some encouraging words of advice on how to overcome those feelings of guilt when we fall off the weight-loss wagon.

how to let go of shame wihen you gain weight white letters and pink background

Why I Don’t Feel Guilty When I Gain Weight & 3 Things I Do Instead!

1) Just Acknowledge it

Whenever you fall off the weight-loss wagon acknowledge it.

Take account or record what exactly it is that you did that you consider falling off of the wagon.

For instance, if your goal was to only eat one piece of cake and you eat two then write that down in your journal or record that in your weight loss prayer journal.

That is if you feel like eating two pieces of cake is a true failure.

It might be that you were saving up for those two pieces of cake however if you were not and your goal was to only eat one and you ate two, recognizing what happened, think of ways that you can prevent it from happening again, and learn from this mistake.

 Don’t allow yourself to wallow in shame and regret it. View this as a teaching moment.

View this as an experience to learn from and then forgive yourself while also asking for forgiveness from the Lord.  

Remember that you’re learning how to undo years and years of potential bad habits.

You will not learn how to do this without making tons of mistakes.

We are human and we are going to mess up as we navigate this weight loss journey.

And guess what?

That is okay!


2) Accept it

In order to find true success on your weight-loss journey, you must learn to give yourself some grace and also accept the grace that God is sure to give you. I know this is easier said than done. I struggle with this too. 

But you have to learn how to forgive yourself when you’re trying to lose weight because you will (unless you have incredible determination) make mistakes.

I know I’ve made so many mistakes on my weight loss journey and I continue to but I have to just learn from it and continue to move forward towards my goal. And that’s what I encourage you to do as well.  

 Now please understand what I’m saying.

 I’m not saying that we shouldn’t acknowledge that we’ve made a mistake or a mistep. But we shouldn’t dwell on it either. 

Allow yourself to be human and know that you won’t always do things perfectly.

As you navigate these weight-loss waters those mistakes will be some of your best teachers.

Those mistakes will teach you what you should and should not do and what will and will not work.

So try your best to learn from any mistakes that you make it in your weight loss journey.


3) Take action  

So that we’ve acknowledged that we didn’t make the best decisions and we’ve given ourselves grace for being human, what can we do now to make better choices in the future?  

Well, now it’s time to take action.

For instance, like I mentioned earlier let’s say you ate two pieces of cake when you only meant to eat one.

Been there, done that, right? 

What can you do next time to ensure that you only eat one piece?  

One idea is to pray beforehand for self-control. I find this method to be most effective when using a weight loss prayer journal because if I just say it in my mind, I don’t always remember what I asked God to help me with. 

Another idea is to start working on reducing your sugar cravings so that you won’t even want to eat more than one piece.

Whatever your specific issue is, that thorn in your side that you can’t seem to remove, do some research to see how other people have overcome that issue.

More than likely someone else has already dealt with this issue and found a solution.

There’s no need to re-create the wheel most of the time because we are more alike than we are different.


how to let go of shame wihen you gain weight white letters and pink background

What Will You Do Next Time Your Weight Loss Goals Hit A Snag?

Will you beat yourself up, throw your hands up in the air, and say well I messed up and there’s nothing else I can do so I might as well keep messing up?

Or will you take a step back, look at what’s happened, give yourself grace and compassion, and try and make better decisions next time?

It’s so easy to beat yourself when it comes to losing weight but I don’t want you to do that. God loves you and I think you’re pretty amazing too.

Weight loss is hard, ya’ll! It’s one of the hardest things you may ever try for a variety of reasons.

Don’t get discouraged and give up even if you’ve “failed” at losing weight 100 times. Go ahead and try it for that 101st time because that might be the time you succeed! Let go of the guilt and continue to move forward.

I’m rooting for you! If you need more encouragement in your weight loss journey then please read this post next called: 25+ Powerful Bible Verses For Weight Loss When You Want To Quit!


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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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