I Started Using Superfood Powders And These Amazing Things Happened…

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Why you should use superfood powders & how do you use/sneak them into your diet

Hey ya’ll,

Have you taken a look at your diet lately? Perhaps you have and found it to be less than stellar.

I can certainly relate.

If you’ve been researching things like healthy eating, plant-based diets, flexitarian diets then you’ve probably come across the term superfoods.

And while you may have heard of superfoods what you may not have heard of are superfood powders.

So I’m going to talk about that today because what I think you’ll find is that superfood powders are a lot easier to fit into your diet than superfoods themselves and they still make a huge difference in your health.

Let’s get a little sneak peek at what’s coming up in this blog post.

We’re going to talk about:

– What superfoods are

– What superfood powders are

– Do superfood powders work

– Benefits I’ve Experienced Since Using Superfood Powders

– Awesome superfood powders to try

-How to get more of them into your diet.

Plus I have a free healthy living resource library full of things that I believe you will love so stay tuned for that coming up later as well.

Now let’s get started.

This post contains affiliate links to great products that will help you in your health journey. I will get a commission if you decide to buy from these links but I’m only recommending products that I feel confident about and from companies that I trust like Amazon and others. Please let me know if you have any questions.

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What Are Superfoods For Real?

So you might be wondering what superfoods even are, right.

And how are they different from any other foods.

Well, think about superheroes for a moment.

They are human (typically) but they are imbued with powers that the rest of us don’t really have (yes, I know they’re not real).

Superfoods are much the same way .

They are foods that have powers that other foods may not have or don’t have in as large of a supply as mere “mortal” food.

Superfoods are packed full of nutrients (Source).

They have vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, healthy fats…I mean they are doing the most.

All superfoods won’t have all of these micronutrients but many of them do which is super awesome (get it…super awe…okay sorry never mind).

And all of these nutrients hook your body up with everything it needs to not only survive but thrive and be super healthy (okay really I’ll stop…maybe)

Some examples are superfoods would be blueberries, kale, spinach, spirulina, acai, maca.


what are superfoods


What Are Superfood Powders?

So now that we know what superfoods are, what are superfood powders?

Superfood powders are superfoods that have been dried and pulverized into powder form.

When they are in powder form, superfoods are even more versatile than they are in their natural state.

You can use them in so many different ways and get a nutritional boost to your health without sacrificing taste…more on that in a bit.


Do Superfood Powders Work?

So the people of Google asked, do superfood powders work? 

Well, this question says to me that they looked at the

benefits of superfood powders and wonder if they are legit.

I have used superfood powders and I can definitely tell a difference in my physical and mental health since I started using them.

So yes they do work.

What changes have I seen since using superfood powders, I hear you ask?

I’m not going to go too deep into it in this post because I’m going to write a separate post about it but I’ll just very briefly tell you the differences I’ve seen.

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Amazing Benefits I've Experienced Since Using Superfood Powders


I have more energy since using this particular powder which I will share later. (Sneak Peak: The Superfood Powders that I’m going to tell more about later is called Your Super, which you can check out by clicking here)

I noticed that my skin was glowing more.

My mood is more joyous and even keel.

And my PMS symptoms like cramps and bloating have greatly decreased.

And my appetite has a marked decrease when I use it which is huge for me.

So clearly, I’m going to continue using Your Super superfood powders like this one for hormone balance.


Why Use Superfood Powders?

Well besides the benefits that I just mentioned I also mentioned that superfood powders are easier to fit into your diet.

This is because superfood powders are versatile and can be used in dishes that you may not use in their traditional state.

In other words, there are some dishes where you might use a green superfood powder (like in a sauce) but not use the actual vegetable that the powder is made from (like kale).

Another reason to use superfood powders is taste.

The superfood powder that I use (which I will discuss shortly) doesn’t have a strong overpowering flavor.

Because of this, I would be more likely to choose the superfood powder over the actual superfood itself as many superfoods have a very strong taste and would change the flavor of whatever you use it in.

Let’s explore some of those uses now. And then I’ll tell you which superfood powder I recommend

How To Use Superfood Powders In Your Diet

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1) In Salads

So how can you use superfood powders in your diet? Well, one way would be to use them in your salad.

Say what?

Yes, you could use them in your salad.

You could use them in your dressing.

If you make your own dressing, then add a little to your recipe and see how it tastes.

If you like it and it doesn’t change the texture of the dressing then you’ve got a winner.

In fact, maybe you could add some more.

Or you could just sprinkle it on top of your salad like a topping.

There are no rules to this so be creative.

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2) Baking

You can also use superfood powders in your baked goods.

Just like you would make banana bread, you can add superfood powders to bread, cookies, cakes, and any other delicious goodies you might bake.

Check out these recipes: chocolate muffins, and chocolate chip cookies.

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3) Smoothies

As you probably have guessed, you can also use superfood powders in smoothies.

I’ve been doing this and the one that I use has a subtle sweet flavor to it that makes my nutriblast creamy and delicious.

I just use my Nutribullet, make a nutriblast, as they call them, and sprinkle the superfood powder in the cup before I blend it. It’s delicious. 

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4) Sauces & Soups

This is a super-easy way to use superfood powders in your diet.

You can add the powders in your sauces or soups and never realize that you are flooding your body with tons of healthy nutrients.

The powders I eat don’t have a strong flavor so you may not even taste them but you’ll still reap all of the benefits from them.

Here are some recipe ideas: pumpkin soup; spaghetti carbonara

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5) Snacks

You can also work these powders into your snacks.

For instance, I cut up an apple, spread some peanut butter on the slices, and sprinkled some superfood powder on top. It was delish.

Another idea I just had is to use a superfood powder in the peanut butter itself.

I haven’t tried it but it might be all kinds of delicious.


Here’s Some Other Strategies for Eating More Superfood Powders Throughout The Day


  • Set goals.

If you haven’t seen a lot of progress with your health goals then maybe you need to set more specific targets.

You could aim to include at least one serving of superfood powder in each meal or use a teaspoon at a time until you reach a full serving or two per day.


  • Keep it simple

Don’t make using superfood powders in your diet harder than it has to be.

If you want to be “boring” and just use it in a smoothie then just do that.

Sometimes being creative gets annoying, amirite?

Opt for simple over creative if it makes your brain hurt.


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Which Superfood Powders Do I Recommend?

So if you’ve clicked on any of the recipe links then you may have noticed a pattern forming.

They were all recipes using Your Super superfood powders.

These are the ones that I eat and drink and the ones that I noticed the benefits that I mentioned earlier.

But besides the benefits, what I love most about Your Superwhat really made me go hey, I need to try these was this…

They lack fillers and artificial sweeteners.

I had been looking for protein powders and superfood powders that didn’t have all that yucky stuff in them.

You know the yucky stuff right?

Sucralose, aspartame, stevia, and other weird unpronounceable ingredients.

And it wasn’t because I was trying to be all bougie and healthy.

I simply hate the taste of all of that stuff.

Trust me, if my tongue could tolerate the cheap powders at Walmart I would be all over it.

But alas, it can’t.

So when I saw that Your Super powders didn’t have all that, I stood up and took notice!

I ordered a sample kit of many of the different flavors.

And there wasn’t even one that I didn’t like.

And that’s hard for me because usually these healthy powders, whether they be protein or superfood come to my house to die.

I hated Shakeology.

I tolerated Amazing Grass and Garden of Life powders.

I hated another (expensive) protein powder I bought and I still have almost a full bag of it (sad face).

But Your Super?

I’m with it.

Do some people hate the taste of Your Super powders?

Yes…I saw one person in the Your Super Facebook group saying that but I rarely saw that kind of thing.

I honestly think they are delicious and I would straight up tell you if I didn’t.

So, let’s see, nutritional superstar foods, that enhance my health, give me discernable benefits in my body, and taste good?

Sign me up.


If you’re interested in learning more about Your Super, you can click below.

Click here to learn more about Your Super superfood powders!


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Are You Going To Start Sneaking Superfood Powders Into Your Diet?

All right ya’ll, I hope you feel more confident about using superfood powders in your diet.

I know that your health will benefit from using them.

I truly can’t see how they wouldn’t.

Try incorporating some of these powders into your diet and I believe your body will thank you.

At the very least your body won’t be mad at you or hold a grudge.

Whether you’re trying to break the fast food habit or already eating a balanced diet, adding a few more superfoods to your daily menu can help you feel more energetic and fit.

You’ll want to eat more whole foods when you realize how fast and delicious they can be.


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Why You Should Use Superfood Powders

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Medical Disclaimer: While Healthy As You Can strives to provide the most accurate information, anything you read on this site is purely for informational or entertainment purposes and should NOT be considered medical advice or as a replacement for a doctor’s care, diagnosis, appointment, advice, etc. I am not a medical professional at all. Any information, tips, or ideas that you try as a result of reading this blog is tried at your, the reader’s, own risk.

Health Disclaimer: The owner of Healthy As You Can is not a physician, nutritionist, or medical professional. Any tips or ideas that you implement as a result of reading the information on this blog are done at your own risk. The results that may be discussed are not typical or guaranteed. Please talk to your doctor before starting any workout, exercises, diet or nutrition plan. Please stop any workout if you start to feel any pain. Healthy As You Can is not entering into a Doctor-Patient relationship with any reader and is not responsible for any errors or omissions of information.



Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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