5 Unique Characteristics Of The Proverbs 31 Woman That Will Blow Your Mind (With Journaling Prompts)

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Last Updated on 03/06/2024 by Nicky

5 Characteristics Of The Proverbs 31 Woman

Even though she isn’t exactly real, the Proverbs 31 woman is legendary.

Christian women all over the world read this chapter in Proverbs and try and pattern their lives off of this amazing and virtuous woman.

And it’s no wonder.

She basically did it all and didn’t seem to break a sweat. She was a godly wife to her husband. Clearly a loving mother to her children. She kept the home in order and trusted God in everything she did.

Now, I’m not going to try and persuade you that you need to follow in her footsteps because it kinda makes me tired just thinking about everything she did.

But I did think it would be awesome to look at the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman a little differently and then reflect on those traits with some journaling prompts.

You see, the Proverbs 31 Woman lived a healthy life…and I don’t just mean physically.

I mean she was financially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy, as well.

In today’s post, I will be talking about how she is healthy in these 5 areas and then give you some journaling prompts related to them.

I hope that these journaling prompts will inspire you to think about these different areas of your life in a meaningful way and give you a new perspective. 

5 Mind-Blowing Characteristics Of The Proverbs 31 Woman That You Have To See!

a woman writing in a journal; teal overlay with proverbs 31 woman is mentally healthy written on it

Proverbs 31 Woman Characteristic#1: She’s mentally healthy

She doesn’t have anxiety about the future. Proverbs 31:25 says “ She can laugh at the days to come.”

That’s huge.

I can’t tell you much time I’ve spent wringing my hands about the future, so anxious about what might come but usually doesn’t. (If you’ve been anxious about the future, this blog post filled with anti-anxiety scripture will help)

Yet this godly woman can laugh about the future.

She knows the future is in God’s hands and she trusts him to take care of it like he always has.

When I read this it really made an impact on me.

And now when I start to get anxious I think about her and how she trusts God. I’ve used this method several times and it’s worked wonders.

Just trust God.

Here are 5 journaling prompts to help you think about your mental health like a Proverbs 31 woman. 

The last time I laughed about a stressful situation was…
When hard times come I… 
When I’m mentally stressed out, I ask God for…
The last time I trusted God with my future was…
The last time I cast my cares on Jesus was…

woman sitting by pool writing in journal; teal overlay with proverbs 31 woman is emotionally healthy

Proverbs 31 Woman Characteristic#2: She’s emotionally healthy

In Proverbs 31:26 it says she speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue.

This is the definition of wisdom:

“the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight.”

Wisdom is not just about knowing what is right but it’s also about making sound decisions based on what you know is right. 

And in order to do this, you have to be emotionally healthy or emotionally stable.

Think about it.

When was the last time you made a good decision when you were feeling highly emotional?

Or you were really angry and as a result, you made really wise decisions? Probably hasn’t happened.

Being emotionally unstable and making wise decisions don’t go together.

In the same way, if you are not emotionally healthy, you probably won’t be able to give “faithful instruction to those around you.

Although admittedly, sometimes it’s easier to solve other people’s problems than resolving your own.

Proverbs 31 Woman Journaling Prompts About Emotional Health. 

My mood changes when someone…
 My happiness is based on..
When I am wronged by someone I love I…
When I get angry I…
The first person I turn to when I am upset is…


woman writing in her budget; teal overlay with proverbs 31 woman is financially healthy

Proverbs 31 Woman Characteristic#3: She is financially healthy.

One of the things that people worry about most is having enough money… which is one reason why they can’t laugh about the future.

They are too anxious worrying if they can feed their families or keep the lights on.

The P31 woman can laugh about the future though because financially she’s got it going on.

If you read Proverbs 31 carefully, this businesswoman’s got multiple streams of income:

She’s into real estate (she considers a field and buys it v.16).

She apparently makes money from that field because it says “out of her earnings, she plants a vineyard” in the same verse. I take this to mean that the money she makes from the field, she reinvests it and plants a vineyard to make more money.

She also sews garments and sells them (verse 24) to merchants.

She works hard (verses 13, 15, 17-18) to provide for her family.

And best of all? She has enough money to where she can also give to the poor (verse 20).


Financial Health Journaling Prompts 

The last time I helped someone in need was…
When I am financially stressed I…
When I check my bank accounts I feel…
On a scale of one to 10, my financial health is at a  ___, because… 
I’m working to increase my income and improve my financial situation by…

woman writing in a weight loss journal; teal overlay with proverbs 31 woman is physically healthy

Proverbs 31 Woman Characteristic #4: She’s physically healthy

The P31 woman is no slouch.

She definitely isn’t lazy and doesn’t sit around too much. She wakes up before the sun comes out.

And she doesn’t mind going far to get the best foods for her family (verse 14).

The modern-day Proverbs 31 woman might drive a little further or perhaps spend a bit more (or let’s be real, a lot more) money to get the healthiest foods for her family.


Proverbs 31 Physical Health Journaling Prompts

The last time I worked out consistently was…
When I eat healthy I feel…
The Lord wants me to eat healthy because…
My body is a temple because 
Meal planning and prepping is/is not  ________ to me because…


woman bible journaling; teal overlay with proverbs 31 woman is spiritually healthy

 Proverbs 31 Woman Characteristic#5: She’s spiritually healthy

This is the most important form of health of all.

If we aren’t spiritually healthy or guided by the Holy Spirit, none of the other forms of health really matter.

But she’s got this covered.

Verse 30 says she fears the Lord and this fear or obedience to the Lord leads to her other forms of health:

Her fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom which leads to emotional health
Her fear of the Lord leads her to be a good steward of her time and her money.
Her fear of the Lord leads her to take care of her physical temple.
Her fear of the Lord leads her to trust him and not worry about the future.
Therefore she’s mentally healthy because she’s not anxious.

Proverbs 31 Woman Spiritual Health Journaling Prompts

I can model Proverbs 31 woman’s spirituality by…
I admire Proverbs 31 woman’s faith because…
I fear the Lord because…
I can show my obedience to God by…
I can be a godly example to those around me by…


How can I become more like a Proverbs 31 woman?

I’m torn on how to answer this question.


Because as Christian women, I don’t believe our goal is to be more like the Proverbs 31 woman.

Our goal is to be more like Jesus.

And yet, I can see the appeal for wanting to pattern our lives more closely to hers.

She’s a woman and we can see ourselves in her perhaps in ways that we can’t with Jesus.

Overall, I don’t think it is wrong to find inspiration in the (hypothetical) life of the Proverbs 31 woman but I do want to caution against that being too much of a focus.

So with that being said, how can we find more inspiration from the life of this woman?

More bible study and prayer are always in order any time we want to live a more godly life.

But how can we apply what we study practically?

Here are some ideas on how to display the characteristics of the Proverbs 31 woman:

1) Begin every day with a prayer asking God to make us more virtuous and gracious towards…and ourselves.

One thing I used to do (and still do at times) is beat myself up every time I did something wrong.

Not only do we need to have more grace and forgiveness in our hearts towards others but we also need to have more grace and forgiveness for ourselves.

God wants us to forgive and I can’t imagine that doesn’t include ourselves.

Nor can I imagine the Proverbs 31 woman not forgiving those who have wronged her or dwelling on every mistake she’s ever made.

Repent and try and learn from your mistakes instead of wallowing in them.

2) Do a bible study specifically on proverbs.

There are a million studies on Proverbs in general and Proverbs 31 in particular. I also have a printable Proverbs Bible study journal in my store that you can check out here.

3) Anticipate problems and how you will react to them:

This one is huge for me. I know that there are certain situations at work that annoy me and I don’t always have the best reaction.

And these situations happen on a frequent basis.

So instead of being perpetually surprised by these common occurrences and clearly showing my annoyance, I pray that when this situation happens again, I will show kindness and grace to the people involved.

If you need extra help, you can play the situation over in your mind and imagine yourself reacting in a Christ-like manner. Maybe it sounds silly but trust me, it works.


Don’t fall into a comparison trap with the Proverbs 31 Woman!

I’ve read before that reading about the Proverbs 31 woman makes them feel overwhelmed and inadequate.

The truth is our real example is Jesus and we, of course, will never live up to that standard.

More than likely we will never be as “perfect” as the Proverbs 31 woman either (some have even said that she is not really a woman but that this is a metaphor for wisdom).

Reading about everything that “she” does, is not meant to exhaust you. As a Christian woman it’s easy to feel like we aren’t godly or moral enough.

Instead, let her inspire you. Healthy As You Can is about learning, growing, and improving day by day.

Take the principles of the P31 woman and learn and grow from them day by day.

Then you might look back a year later and see how much you’ve become that woman over time.

It’s all about the journey overall!

Free Download: Renew Your Spirit  Bible Journaling Bundle! 

Free Download: Renew Your Spirit Spiritual Health Bundle! 

We know we need to spend quiet time with God in Bible study and prayer.

But it can be a struggle to find the time, keep your Bible study notes organized, or even know where to begin once you do find the time. 

That’s why I created the Renew Your Spirit Bible Study Mini Bundle

And best of all you can download it completely free! 

Here’s what you get with the Renew Your Spirit Bible Study Mini Bundle: 

Bloom & Grow Mini Journal: Use this printable journal to write down and memorize your favorite verses, jot down Bible study questions for further research, and pour your heart out to the Lord on the quiet time reflections page. 

Trello Bible Study Journal: If you’re about that digital life, then the Trello Bible Study Journal is probably right up your alley! 

Now you can keep your Bible study notes & ponderings super organized! 

And even better than that? 

With this digital journal, you can do a Bible study wherever you have internet access! 

Finding time to do your study just got so much easier!

With this mini version of the journal, you’ll gain access to the first 3 sections (Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus) of the digital journal completely free! 

Each section comes with sections to write Bible study, devotional, and sermon notes…plus so much more!  And even better, there is a checklist for every chapter of each book that you can mark off as you go through your Bible reading adventure. 

You must use the free app Trello to use this digital journal but it’s super easy to use! 

And this app syncs across all devices so if you make a change to the journal using the mobile app, it’ll also make the change on your laptop too!

Just click here to get the Bloom & Grow Bible Journal and the Trello Digital Bible Study Journal!



If Characteristics Of A Proverbs 31 Woman helped you please share it on social media!


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

More Posts - Website


Hey ya'll! I'm Nicky Johnson, owner and creator of Healthy As You Can & I'm delighted that you stopped by my neck of the (internet) woods! I'm a Christian girl on a unique health journey & I'd love it if you'd join me! I'm striving to be spiritually, physically, mentally, and financially, healthy and at HAYC I'll share tips, insights, and resources to help you do the same!

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